Okay, I'm not the world's best painter, and I certainly haven't photographed most of my work. And I don't have the set up to take proper pictures of my paintings. But hey, they're all wayward art and will go to new homes this weekend, or at Dark Skies or Burning Man. Just a sampling. I haven't even named them all yet. Plenty Not Pictured, mostly smaller canvas boards, collages and parody art, I'll paint miniatures on almost anything. People like Small Art if they're traveling. I am trying to use up all my stretch canvas for Element 11 and Dark Skies. Last year at Burning Man, someone took all the stretch canvas paintings without filling out adoption cards. I think they thought it was okay because I was giving art away. I am. I am giving art to new homes, not art supplies to cheap bastard scroungers.
Pictures: Poppies, Poppies, Poppies, one of my largest canvases yet. I like it, it has depth and is a Real Painting. Trash Fence and Trash Fence again. My most popular motif. I actually got the Black Rock Mountains right. Smooth Joshua, for Dark Skies, on canvas board. Minimal Face, looks far better in the flesh. Black Rock Sunset. Fire Demon Bart (canvas board). Lemon Sun (canvas board), should be at the same angle as the Trash Fences. Fire Blocks, again, nicer in person.