Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Could I be any lamer?

On a whim, I googled myself. I knew my real names, married and maiden, wouldn't bring up much, there's more impressive Margarets out there than I. Ah, but maggiemayday and Anti M? Both are names of bands, those come up first. Anti M has all sorts of antibody links. As for the rest, well, it is a good thing I'm not job hunting. I'm blushing a bit over my fangirl tendencies. Just so ... geeky. At least I don't go to cons. But you know I would if Burning Man and Dragoncon weren't held on the same weekend. I'd love to see Deb and just unleash my inner fangirl with her as a guide. Geeez. Never going to happen, I may be geeky, but I drank the Kool-Aid in the desert, LOL.

As for the burner stuff, hell, not an eyeblink. I am proud to be a burner, I'm one hell of an outsider artist, and like all jaded old burners, a rockstar. All burners are rockstars. That's the beauty of a radically inclusive community, we all have something to contribute. I must say, I stand in awe of my burner friends, they really, really are rockstars. I mean, Apokiliptika, the Booby Bar, Zsu-Zsu, U-Me, Barbie death Camp, the mutant vehicles, the art installations? I can't begin to have that type of expertise and energy. Although I am pleased my modest Home for Wayward Art is a huge hit. That means expectations, and we all know how expectations work in the desert dust. They do not.

Busy summer. I've slacked off on the art, but I truly need to pick up the paintbrush. The trip to San Diego is bad timing, but we all agree the four of us need the break. The kids will be moving into a new house two days after we come back. Then there's Baby Burner Bootcamp to teach the newbies gently and hands on what the Ten Principles mean. Leave No Trace sounds easy until you're picking up feathers and sequins from the ground. In June we have the Utah burn, Element 11 (sodium, salt lake, get it?). Not only do I have the Home for wayward Art, I'm on fire safety as the fuel master with MyLarry, and I'll be one of the co-Artery coordinators. That volunteer position makes me nervous, I don't know exactly what the Utah artery will do, a work in progress. Then July will have Z coming in for a visit. August into September is Burning man, and of course that means art, art, art, prep prep prep. Feels good to have so much going on, but I am stressing just a hair. I shouldn't I have plenty of support. Hawaii in January is beginning to look really great to me!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mayday, Mayday

Okay, this is before the weed mats and the white rocks got put down. I'll take more pictures after it stops raining. What is this? Seattle?

The compost beds and composter. The old Christmas tree was the neighbor's, we can burn it.

A month and I've not posted? Is it the Twitter? The Facebook? A little, but mostly just a hectic and crappy month.

The superhero fundraiser was alright. We personally raised very few funds for ourselves, in fact, I spent too much on paint. It was fun. Larry looked amazing in his batsuit, but I don't have a picture. Perhaps that's a Good Thing, he was Bat Girl in stilletto boots.

I came down with a terrible cold just a few days later. I was so sick I didn't get out of bed for three days except for needs (bathroom) and wants (liquids). I still have a lingering cough. his may be related to hay fever and asthma, but the overall effect is that I've been down for several weeks. Oh yes, and that Aunt Flo thing. You'd think I'd be done with all that.

Larry's been home a lot, some weeks he wasn't, like when I was ill. This week there was only one steel load. Sure, he had a day of training and a local or two, but that makes it hard to pay the bills with joy. He did do a lot in the garden for me. He worked over the compost beds, and raked and has been clearing the mess around the back fence. Put down weed mat and started containers, put up a fence to slow down the dogs, and I got my solar lights placed. The peas are already up and the lettuce is beginning to show. I could harvest rhubarb right now. And chives. The strawberries have buds!