We went to Cabo with Larry, free stay, free rental car, tons of free food. It was fun, beautiful resort, tons of love, but I didn't enjoy myself like I normally do. I will post pictures eventually.
I haven't got much in the way of art started. The NoCostCo project is simple, otherwise I'd not get it done. Feels like an obligation, not fun.
I do not feel like sewing or painting or making collages. My housework and gardening aren't up to my usual sub-par standards. My exercise and eating plan derailed; I gained back what I'd lost last month while in Cabo. People annoy me. I don't even want to watch TV. I want to play mindless video games and daydream.
Yep, I suspected I was depressed, now I'm pretty darn sure. I know what to do to shake it, just gotta get moving. Change the physical, the mental will follow. Plus do things like acknowledge my feelings, blog is a good place to start. I have been keeping my mouth shut a lot lately; mostly because I know I'm irritable and easily set off. Yes, this is different than my usual trigger points.
No docs, thanks, they prescribe meds which make me cotton-headed. I know what a therapist would say; I did begin graduate classes to be a family counselor. I found it too depressing. Seriously.
No worries, this isn't a huge deal, just another bump in the road. I still want to know what's around the bend, I ain't getting out of the car!