Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Descent into Hades

Ah, Dark Skies! The ever-morphing, ever-wonderful Vegas Burn. Except there was no burning, the fire danger was too high. Had a little fire spinning, excellent performances by skilled people. Nice!

Wednesday morning, we got the trailer packed up and ready to go. In reality, mylarry and Borderline packed the trailer, I supervised. Then it was off southbound to Vegas. We stopped at Moapa and purchased booze for the party, even though we had a bin full of it tucked into the trailer. At Moapa Band of Paiutes Casino/Fireworks Shop, they carry unique beverages not available in Utah.

We stayed at the Worldmark Resort and dipped in the spa. Nice, warm, bubbly water! The room was a two bedroom, and Jacob came in and joined us for the drive out to Mojave Drums, near Meadview AZ and Lake Mead.

Tomorrow: The next level.

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