Art Project! In 2006, I did a fixed, placed piece of theme art with Bucky as the star. While it was rewarding and enjoyable, we thought that this year we'd do a mobile project. I'd acquired Mrs. Bucky and Little Miss Bucky with the idea we'd be placed, but the idea wasn't panning out. A tow-behind the Rhoadescar platform holding the three Buckys and the dog seemed perfect. How to keep riders off? A low fence, and sure enough, Lowe's had a sale on the black iron fencing. I struggled with what the Buckys should wear, the concept. Burners? Too easy, too empty. I have this great black Gothic wedding veil, and a lot of formal wear in burgundy and black. The wedding party began taking form. The Desi volunteering her wedding gown, a beautiful dress which she made herself and will never wear again. We picked up a velvet dress for Little Miss in the thrift shop. Bucky is trickier, a full tuxedo jacket swamps him. Larry does have a pair of velvet tuxedo boxers, if I add a bow tie and a vest and dress shoes, Bucky should look great! I could use a green bow tie, a green wig for Mrs. Bucky, and a black wedding bouquet. Perhaps a tophat for Bucky. I don't want to buy these things, so I'm hoping the eplaya will come through for me.
The platform will be painted green; the original plan was astro-turf, but that's too MOOPy. The next thought was polar fleece, but hey, we already have green paint on hand! The fencing will be held together with black poles topped by fancy black floral solar lights. We will also string green solar LEDS through the lower part of the fence. Bucky's chair is dark green; I will attach my green velvet Christmas bows on the four corners of the fence. There will be skirting made from baseboards along the bottom. I have a black frame which will hold the title of the piece, "The Bucky Nuptial Party." Coming together nicely!
If you want to know when Stargate Atlantis is filming "Vegas" and where, the Nevada Film Commission* and/or the Las Vegas Film Commission* should be able to tell you. I have online friends who use local film commission information to track actors.
Anne Teldy
*I don't know what their official names are.
Ooh, thanks, good info ... although I doubt I'd follow through. With my luck they'll be filming while I'm at Burning Man! Still, tempting to check it out!
Oh, and if you hit the About Me on this blog, you can get to my email addy.
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