Thursday, October 17, 2013

A bit better. Perhaps.

I am quite relieved Congress got their act together.  However, that means choices.  Personally, I need to build up the emergency funds.  Corners have been cut as deep as I can without beginning to sacrifice a desired lifestyle.  Perhaps a better grip on discretionary spending?

Politically?  I don't really want to be an activist, but perhaps there is more I can do.  I've already begin letter writing.  I know it does little good with hard headed greed mongers, but it is a beginning.

I cleared the art boxes yesterday, now I need to clean up the clips and such, and repack the art which is ready to go.  The art which needs touching up or refurbishing is on the table or in the ready box.  Then I had a lovely asthma attack and spend the evening on the couch.  Joy.

Still have not found my glasses.  This is a rather blurry picture of them.

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