Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Still winter

I can't find the ice melt or the salt.  Damn, Larry.  Where is it?

Snow and ice and freezing temps outside.  I go out and shove the snow around, but I can only do so much.  There is only so much to do.  Dallas came by and helped a little, cleared the low patio gutter, pinned up the fence lattice.  He took the snowblower, which will be payment for yardwork.  It is a really nice one which used to belong to my dad.  Larry had to fix it when we got it, Marvin had wedged a rock in the auger and broke it.  It is too big for me to handle, and without a sidewalk, I have little use for it. Dallas can use it to earn money.  It works for all of us this way.

I am much more up and down now.  My highs are higher, I want to get on with life.  Not find a new partner, but to make art, get the house squared away, go out and about.  But then someone who has just learned of Larry's passing gets in touch, and I crash back to the horrible first days.  Or I realize that he is truly gone, and I just lose it because I miss him so much.  There is no equilibrium. 

Old projects include Graidawg's leather tool roll, the faux fur coat, mending and hemming and patches.  So much sewing.  Newer items are fix the leaf sucker bag.  Get all the Christmas stuff put away.  Decide if I will make pillows from Larry's t-shirts or buy a naked boyfriend pillow and dress it it up.  I want to get my pictures back up as the hall is now never going to be remodeled and repainted.

I've done a little sorting.  A very little, but bit by bit helps.

Most of the tos I bought for myself have arrived.  A Loki, a Deadpool dressed as Bob Ross, a little Sir Thomas Sharpe, the Sister Margaret sign.  I do love my little toys.

And my snow boots leak.  That's no good.

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