Friday, August 16, 2019

Adulting never ends

I went to register the truck and trailer yesterday.  Larry always handled it, so I had a pretty steep learning curve, and a few tears.  Desi took me to Jiffy Lube for the truck's emissions inspection, easy enough.  Took a few days for me to get the oomph to go to the county assessor and the DMV. Decided to time it so I could go to Pig and A Jelly Jar on $5 chicken and waffle day.  Turns out I couldn't do the trailer, as the DMV doesn't send a registration card for utility trailers.  The lady at DMV gave me a paper I can take to the county for my veteran's exemption.  I can do that after Burning Man.  We had a short chat about husbands and cremation insurance.  She was very kind.

Burning Man.  My spark is lacking, I honestly do not want to go.  I feel obligated, to take Larry's ashes and kilt to the Temple, and to hug all the people who want to see me.  Ugh.  I will try to be the tough old bird, and not take it out on my campmates.  They can't help it they are not Larry.  Crying Man, here I come.

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