Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Snow falls

I knew I'd missed the weather window for roof lights.  We had a light and fluffy snowfall.  Most of the sidewalks and roads are clear, but the roof has a lovely little blanket.  I cannot find the indoor window lights.  Not a clue where they have been stashed.

Had a wonderful scare with a gas leak.  After shoveling the snow, I could smell gas when I went back in the house, very strong.  I made sure the flu was open and went outside.  Dominion Energy came out, and the guy checked everything.  Turns out the fireplace insert is broken at one end.  Joy.  I was able to order one from Lowe's, military discount and all, free delivery. Still, over $200.  Colby will put in in.  The stove had a leak too, but the DE guy was able to fix it.  I gave him a couple mini-bottles.  At least I was able to clean behind the stove.

I got my Secret Santa package in the mail.  I sure hope they enjoy it!  I went a little heavy on the Jurassic Park theme.  Life, uh, finds a way.

Feeling ... calmer?  More resigned?  I still have very bad moments, and I do not think I will ever stop missing him.  I just cry less.  I still mope a lot.  This still sucks.

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