Okay, two more rooms done. Pretty much done done too. My eyes are not what they used to be; painting the Wraith was difficult, even with a magnifier. I did go back in and redo the Sickle Wraith's bone hands, but I am not yet satisfied. I may paint more on the little guys, but likely not. The trees and bushes are held in with Florists' clay; I may have to upgrade that. It is very soft and sticky; the greenery falls over. That mural of the hills was one of the first things I painted in the house. If you look closely, you can see I painted the chimney as a tree trunk with roots. The rocks are tumbled agates. The table and chairs and cups and candles are a Middle Earth gaming set, the Prancing Pony Tavern by oh, great, I lost the packaging. Pal Ratha? Ral Patha? I'll have to look that up.
The Art Gallery started out as an Observatory, but it was not to be. I couldn't find nor manufacture the miniature pieces such as telescopes and astrolabes in half inch scale. But I did have three marvelous sculptures which my brother Larry Castle had made from tektites and tiger iron, silver and agate. The rats are a gaming piece from long ago and far away; the pewter figurines simply part of my massive collections of schtuff. I did the faux marbling; I think it looks rather good.
Only the Haunted Honeymoon Suite to go! And the back hall, but that is part of the suite. I do have a hidden tower room, right now it holds the mini piano, and only the mini piano!
this is probably the most original doll house i've ever seen. most of them are replicas of late 18 early 19 hundreds houses & such.
Thanks, I used to get miniatures magazines and they had fabulous things in them. I decided I wasn't just going to have a dollhouse, I was going to have something unique.
Good for people to know.
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