In the last three days we've had warm windy weather which turned to snow, then rain, and now we have sunny and cold. I've had low-grade crud, making me miserable and snippy with MyLarry. Unpretty. Spring is trying to arrive, I have two crocus in bloom and the primroses are making an effort. The magpies are building a nest in the tree across the street, cool. MyLarry has been up on the roof checking the gutters, and he went over to my brother's place to take down the broken willow branches. One thunked his arm so hard his watch left impressions in blood blisters on his wrist. One of these days, one of these days ...
weekend slices: Visited Dad, he seemed more cheerful and chatty. He always presses me to take things home from the mantle or china cabinet. This time it was the little blue glass crackle pitcher from Virginia Beach, a dimestore piece o' junk and the handle is cracked. I also took my cloisonne vase with the three cranes on it I got in a second hand store in Japan. We ran errands, I ended up with a solar color-changing LED raindrop lamp. Shaped like a raindrop with water sealed in it. Way cool. Plus a solar LED lily wand and three color-change pink flamingos which will run off 12volts. MyLarry made egg and bunny candles, I snoozed on the couch a lot. I have no energy.
I made waffles for lunch today, tarted them up with cinnamon and glazed walnuts and a dash of wheat germ. I like my new little waffle maker, but it takes less batter than the old one. Of course I over-flowed on the first try and had half-cooked waffle oozing out the sides. So much for easy clean ups.
I stalled on the shingles on the third side of the dollhouse. Just hit a wall with getting them in place behind the stucco tower.
Pictures: My first two blooms on the garden, the primroses are trying, the magpie nest, Larry on the roof, Oide in the sun, dollhouse side two completed, side three is the sticking point.
1 comment:
"spring has sprung, the grass is whiz, i wonder where them birdies is?"
it's not spring, but that crazy saying, that heard somewhere, popped into my head when i read the post title
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