Yay, again! Another room finished, and this one is pretty much done. Tea with the Black Dragon features some of the finest Japanese miniatures I picked up in Akasuka, hand painted gold on black lacquer. The bowl hanging on the wall was part of a home Buddhist prayer cabinet. The tea set is signed by Mock, or Mark, and is one of the first things I bought for the house. Not Japanese, but hey, it is marvelous. If you look closely, the Black Dragon has a teensy cup in his claws. The buddhas in boxes on the wall are lucky trinkets from Kamakura. The petit fours are Fimo, some of my first experiments with the medium.
I got digging into my boxes; I wanted to find my miniature Japanese woodblock print stickers so I could frame them and put them in the tearoom. Couldn't find them at all. But I did find my super-mini glass animals, bits and odds and toys for the Blue Fairy Bedroom, and some kitchen items and pewter figurines I'd mixed in with the full-sized miniatures. Then, a silver skull, some other tiny silver charms and earrings, and YES! the rest of my miniature paintings. As in, I painted them. I got the details I wanted for the kitchen finished, and added a few items to the Red Den. Like the Dormouse sleeping in the chair, so cool, I'd forgotten him. He's jointed, hand painted metal, a collector's piece. I also have a lot done in the Blue Fairy Bedroom, it will be finished in a day or two.
Pics: One of the things I like about this blog is that I can post huge pictures. One click and they're full size, so I can scroll around and check details I'd otherwise miss, like globs of min-hold and crooked things.
Tea with the Black Dragon, tea table, Kitchen with added items, Den with added items. Can you find the ghost family in the kitchen? The pirate's treasure map in the den?
i didn't find the ghost, but i think i found the treasure map.
i saw details i missed before. like the tiles around the kitchen fireplace have zodiac symbols on them & there's a jar with eyes of newt on the table.
that whoosh you hear is the sound of my mind blowing.
The ghosts are on top of the green corner cabinet.
LOL, don't hurt yourself!
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