Thursday, March 21, 2019

Slow going this week

Went to to doc, I have spondylosis of the spine.  Means my L5 is shoved forward and there's arthritis and degeneration.  It is all horrible.  I am one prednisone for a few days, then switch to an NSAID.  This will suck as far as my blood pressure goes.  The prednisone is messing with me, tired, headachey, and moody as hell.  I haven't cried this often for a couple weeks now. 

I did get a yoga for back pain poster taped up in the kitchen.  I have a strap, a bolster, and a couple mats.  Wish me luck.

It doesn't help that I have been working on the Affidavit of Survivorship, which forces me to look at things like his death certificate.  Assembling the tax crap, and I know I need to get a new will done.  I did email a death certificate to Loreto to take him off the account.  That began my weepy spells. 

Prednisone or grief?  Either way, it sucks asswater donekyballs.

Working on the lawn a tiny bit too.  Swapped out the St. Patrick's stuff for the Easter stuff.  Made a shopping list.  Wondering why I am bothering with coupons, there's nothing good for just me.  Looked at the new issue of Food Network.  So many recipes, but what's the point?  I'm not going to go all out just for me. And no, no one is coming over for dinner.  I did put the ingredients for tzatziki on my list.  I make a lot of yogurt,I need to use it up.

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