Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I would have baked a cake ...

As we drove back to Ogden yesterday, Krista offered to stop at Smith's so I could buy a cake to mark Larry's birthday.  I declined, saying I could bake a cake, that I simply wanted to get home. She has a sick puppers, so I wanted her to get back in plenty of time for the vet appointment. 

I went down into the pantry, no cake mixes.  I had a pumpkin spice muffin mix, and a snickerdoodles cookie mix.  They're both at least a year old, because they were down there when Larry passed.  I know I had cake mixes, did I give them away?  I have Jiffy Mix, which makes terrible cakes, and a new pouch of Lilikoi pancake mix I just brought home.  I also have all the ingredients for cake from scratch, although I suspect the flour is aging more than a bit. 

I made a cup of tea and ate a couple stale Korean ginger cookies.  The last of the packet went into the trash. 

Such is the minutia which saps my will.  A slice of cake by myself is nothing, yet everything.  

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